Mid-Winter Songs
March 16, 2024
First United Methodist Church
Grand Rapids
Texts & Translations
Patterns on the Snow
Mari Valverde
​Lose the pain in the snow
Where all footsteps melt
And the magic trance
Bids you rise and follow
Forgetting all you felt
Except the dance, except the dance.
Lose the pain in the love
Where all being flows
Though the step is intricate
Still as through the dance you move
Silently the pattern grows
To include, not to reject.
Lose the pain in the living
Where the self however haunted
Dances on because it must,
All forgiving, all forgiving.
Lose again all that you wanted
Except trust, except trust.
Lose the pain in the faith
Gladly as the dance grows graver,
Love and living both let go,
Love and pain be danced to death
Let the dancer never waver
Drawing patterns on the snow.
-May Sarton (1912-1995)
Mid-Winter Songs
Morten Lauridsen
I. Lament for Pasiphaë
Dying sun, shine warm a little longer!
My eye, dazzled with tears, shall dazzle yours,
Conjuring you to shine and not to move.
You, sun, and I all afternoon have laboured
Beneath a dewless and oppressive cloud--
a fleece now gilded with our common grief
That this must be a night without a moon.
Dying sun, shine warm a little longer!
Faithless she was not: she was very woman,
Smiling with dire impartiality,
Sovereign, with heart unmatched, adored of men,
Until Spring’s cuckoo with bedraggled plumes
Tempted her pity and her truth betrayed.
Then she who shone for all resigned her being,
And this must be a night without a moon.
Dying sun, shine warm a little longer!
II. Like Snow
She, then, like snow in a dark night,
Fell secretly. And the world waked
With dazzling of the drowsy eye,
So that some muttered ‘Too much light,’
And drew the curtains close.
Like snow, warmer than fingers feared,
And to soil friendly;
Holding the histories of the night
In yet unmelted tracks.
III. She Tells Her Love While Half Asleep
She tells her love while half asleep,
In the dark hours,
With half-words whispered low:
As Earth stirs in her winter sleep
And puts out grass and flowers
Despite the snow,
Despite the falling snow.
IV. Mid-Winter Waking
Stirring suddenly from long hibernation
I knew myself once more a poet
Guarded by timeless principalities
Against the worm of death, this hillside haunting;
And presently dared open both my eyes.
O gracious, lofty, shone against from under,
Back-of-the-mind-far clouds like towers;
And you, sudden warm airs that blow
Before the expected season of new blossom,
While sheep still gnaw at roots and lambless go—
Be witness that on waking, this mid-winter,
I found her hand in mine laid closely
Who shall watch out the Spring with me.
We stared in silence all around us
But found no winter anywhere to see.
V. Intercession in Late October
How hard the year dies: no frost yet.
On drifts of yellow sand Midas reclines,
Fearless of moaning reed or sullen wave.
Firm and fragrant still the brambleberries.
On ivy-bloom butterflies wag.
Spare him a little longer, Crone,
For his clean hands and love-submissive heart.
-Robert Graves (1895-1985)
Te lucis ante terminum
Thomas Tallis
Te lucis ante terminum,
Rerum Creator poscimus,
Ut solita clementia
Sis præsul ad custodiam.
Procul recedant somnia,
Et noctium phantasmata;
Hostemque nostrum comprime,
Ne polluantur corpora.
Præsta, Pater omnipotens,
Per Iesum Christum Dominum,
Qui tecum in perpetuum
Regnat cum Sancto Spiritu. Amen.
Before the ending of the day,
Creator of the world, we pray
That with thy wonted favor, Thou
Would'st be our guard and keeper now.
From all ill dreams defend our eyes,
From nightly fears and fantasies;
Tread under foot our ghostly foe,
That no pollution we may know.
O Father, that we ask be done,
Through Jesus Christ, Thine only Son;
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
Shall live and reign eternally. Amen.
-Hymn for Compline
-English Translation by J. M. Neale
Heinrich von Herzogenberg
Quellende, schwellende Nacht,
Voll von Lichtern und Sternen:
In den ewigen Fernen,
Sage, was ist da erwacht?
Herz in der Brust wird beengt;
Steigendes, neigendes Leben,
Riesenhaft fühle ich's weben,
Welches das meine verdrängt.
Schlaf, da nahst du dich leis',
Wie dem Kinde die Amme,
Und um die dürftige Flamme
Ziehst du den schützenden Kreis.
Night Song
Welling, swelling night,
Full of lights and stars:
In the eternal distances,
Tell me, what has awakened?
The heart in my chest becomes cramped;
Rising, inclining life,
I feel it moving enormously,
Which suppresses my heart.
Sleep, you approach quietly,
Like a wet nurse to a child,
And about the meager flame
You draw the protective circle.
-Friedrich Hebbel (1813-1863)
Joshua Albert
Dr. Harlori & Jaspreet Bains
Pammi & Paul Bains
Sukhvinder Bains
Mark Becker
Dennis Buteyn
James Borst
Victor Chang
Dr. Edward Chen
Marianne Ciccolella | In Memory of Gurdip Bains
Sarah Collier
Sue Cooley
Scott Davidson
Christina Dekoekkoek
Gary Eberle
De Priest Family Foundation, INC.
Jake Herrera
Debbie Gilmore | In Honor of Dr. Christopher Mason
Susan Grogan | In Memory of Don Vanderpool
Laura Kozminski
L3Harris Via Blackbaud Giving Fund
Lauri Mason | In Honor of Dr. Christopher Mason
Barbara McCargar
Nathalie Meyer
Emily Volz Mills
Cynthia Molnar
Joshua Plant
Susan Pretty
Melissa Rauch
Dr. Monique Salinas
Harry Singh | In Honor of Jaspreet Bains
Christopher Start
Kathryn Stieler / Westphal Family
Patricia Thoresen
Anita & Dr. Sarabjit Tokhie
Dr. Harnoor & Avni Tokhie
Elise Tripp | In Honor of Hannah DeBoer
Dr. Susan Sevensma
Janice Mason Vanderpool | In Honor of Dr. Christopher Mason
Julie Volz
David Weinandy
Todd Wilkie
Lambert Zuidervaart
and other contributions we received from our past concerts.
Thank you for supporting our mission.