Texts & Translations
Who Built the Ark? arr. Moses Hogan
And God looked upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, “The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold I will destroy them with the earth. MAKE THEE AN ARK.” (Genesis 6:12-14a)
Ol’ Noah was a hu-d’ed an’ twenty years,
Buil’in de ark o’ God,
An’ ev’y time his hammer ring,
Noah cried, “Amen.”
I wanna know who built the ark? Noah built it.
Who built the ark? Noah built it.
Tell me, Who built de ark? Noah built it.
Cut his timber down.
I wanna know who built the ark? Noah built it.
Hammer keep aringin’, Said, “Noah built it.”
Who built the ark? Yes! Noah built it.
Cut his timber down.
Den the Lord tol’ Noah buil’ it good an’ strong,
Buil’in de ark o’ God,
‘Cause it’s gwinter rain hard an’ it’s gwin-rain long.
Noah cried, “Amen.”
Make fas’ ev’y winder, make fas’ ev’y do!
Buil’in de ark o’ God,
‘Cause when it starts in it’s sho’ gwine po’.
Noah cried, “Amen.” Refrain.
Take yo’ wife an’ yo’ sons an’ yo’ sons’ wives too,
Into de ark o’ God,
‘Cause ev’y body winter git drow’n but you.
Noah cried, A’men.”
Take a married couple of ev’ry beast,
Into de ark o’ God,
So when de trouble’s all over, day ken start to increase.
Noah cried, “Amen.” Refrain.
Forty days, forty nights, how de rain did fall,
All ‘round de ark o’ God,
Till it kivver’d up de mountains, tops an’ all.
Noah creid, “Amen.”
Dere was water, water all aroun’.
All ‘round de ark o’ God,
Wasn’t nothin’ lef’ livin’ on top o’ de groun’.
Noah cried, “Amen.” Refrain.
Noah tok an’ sent out a mo’nin’ dove,
Out of de ark o’ God,
An’ when she brought back a token of Heb’nly love.
Noah cried, “Amen.”
Den God gave Noah de rainbow sign,
When we came out de ark o’ God,
Be no mo’ water, but de fire nex’ time.
Noah cried, “Amen.” Refrain.
-Traditional Spiritual
Stile Antico
Pueri hebraeorum by Tomás Luis de Victoria
Pueri Hebraeorum vestimenta
prosternebant in via
et clamabant dicentes:
Hosanna Filio David,
benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.
The Hebrew children
spread their garments in the way,
and cried out, saying:
Hosanna to the Son of David:
blessed is He that cometh
in the Name of the Lord.
-Antiphon for Palm Sunday
Amicus meus by Tomás Luis de Victoria
Amicus meus osculi me tradidit signo:
Quem osculatus fuero, ipse est, tenete eum:
Hoc malum fecit signum, qui per osculum ad implevit homicidium.
Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis, et in fine laquaeo se suspendit.
Bonum erat illi, si natus non fuisset homo ille.
Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis, et in fine laquaeo se suspendit.
The sign by which my friend betrayed me was a kiss:
He whom I kiss, that is he: hold him fast.
He who committed murder by a kiss gave this wicked sign.
The unhappy wretch repaid the price of blood and in the end hanged himself.
It had been better for that man if he had never been born.
The unhappy wretch repaid the price of blood and in the end hanged himself.
-Tenebrae Responsory for Maundy Thursday
Surrexit pastor bonus by Orlando di Lasso
Surrexit pastor bonus,
qui animam suam posuit pro ovibus suis,
et pro grege suo mori dignatus est, alleluia.
The good shepherd has arisen,
who laid down his life for his sheep,
and deigned to die for his flock, alleluia.
-Matins Responsory for Easter Monday
That Old Time Religion
I Believe This is Jesus by Undine Smith Moore
I believe this is Jesus; come and see.
The light of God shines in his face; come and see.
He offers all his pard’ning grace; come and see.
Oh, I believe this is Jesus; Yes, Lord, come and see.
-Traditional Spiritual
The Old Church by Stephen Paulus
The old church leans by a well-worn road,
Upon a hill that has no grass or tree,
The wind from off the prairie now unload
The dust they bring around it fitfully.
The path that leads up to the open door
Is worn and grayed by many toiling feet
Of us who listen to the Bible lore
And once again the old-time hymns repeat.
And ev’ry Sabbath morning we are still
Returning to the altar waiting there.
A hush, a prayer, a pause, and voices fill
The Master’s House with a triumphant air.
The old church leans awry and looks quite odd,
But it is beautiful to us and God.
-Della B. Vik
That Old Time Religion arr. Moses Hogan
Gimme me dat ole time religion,
Gimme me dat ole time religion,
Gimme me dat ole time ‘ligion,
It’s good enough for me.
It was good for de Hebrew children,
It was good for de Hebrew children,
It was good for de Hebrew children,
It’s good enough for me.
It was good for Paul and Silas,
It was good for Paul and Silas,
It was good for Paul and Silas,
It’s good enough for me.
It was good for my grandmother,
It was good for my grandmother,
It was good for my grandmother,
It’s good enough for me. Refrain.
-Traditional Spiritual
Karen Cook
The Seashores of Old Mexico
O sacrum convivium by Antonio de Salazar
O sacrum convivium, in quo Christus sumitur;
recolitur memoria passionis ejus;
mens impletur gratia;
et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur.
O sacred banquet! in which Christ is received,
the memory of his passion is recalled,
the mind is filled with grace,
and the pledge of future glory is given to us.
-Magnificat Antiphon for Corpus Christi Vespers
Frè o by Sten Kallman
Frè O di nou, di maladia pa gaya.
Na jwe na rele.
Ou malad mwen di yo.
Na jwe Papa Dambala eh!
Mape mande Dambala Wedo gade nou.
Nou tout chante Ayida Wedo men pitit ou yo!
O brother, you tell us your sickness will not be healed.
We are playing (the drums and singing) and weeping.
You are sick - I will tell the others.
We are playing the drums and singing to Papa Dambala!
We are asking Papa Dambala to look after us.
We all sing to AyidaWedo: "See your children!"
-Traditional Haitian Song
Emily Volz Mills
Carlos Lemagne
Anna Bolton
El cumbanchero arr. Guarionex Morales Matos
El cumba cumba cumba
A bongo bongo bongo
Riquiti que va sonando
el cumbanchero, bongocero que se va...
Bongosero que se va...
Y suena así el tambor: Biriquití
bom bom bom bom bá...
y vuelve a repicar biriquití
bom bom bom bom bá
The fun fun fun
fun lover
The bongo bongo bongo
bongo player
The ‘ri-ki-ti’ that rings out
The fun loving bongo player is going
The bongo player is going
The drum sounds like this: ‘ri-ki-ti’
bom bom bom bom ba...
and the ‘ri-ki-ti’ rings out again
bom bom bom bom bá
-Puerto Rican Rumba
Tale as Old as Time
She Moved Through the Fair arr. Daryl Runswick
My young love said to me my mother won’t mind
And my father wont’ slight you for your lack of kind,
And she stepped away from me and this she did say:
It will not be long love till our wedding day.
She stepped away from me and she went thro’ the fair
And fondly I watched her move here and move there,
And then she went homeward with one star awake
As the swan in the evening moved over the lake.
Last night she came to me, she came softly in,
So softly she came that her feet made no din,
And she laid her hand on me and this she did say:
It will not be long love till our wedding day.
-Irish Folk Song
Black is the Color of my True Love’s Hair arr. Stuart Churchill
Black, Black, Black is the color of my true love's hair.
Her lips are something wond'rous fair;
The purest eyes and the daintiest hands.
I love the grass on where she stands.
I love my love and well she knows.
I love the grass on where she goes,
If she on earth no more I'd see,
My life would quickly fade away.
Black is the color of my true love's hair.
-Appalachian Folk Song
As there are flowers by Collin Britt
Still must the poet as of old,
In barren attic bleak and cold,
Starve, freeze, and fashion verses to
Such things as flowers and song and you;
Still as of old his being give
In Beauty’s name, while she may live,
Beauty that may not die as long
As there are flowers and you and song.
-Edna St. Vincent Millay
I Love You/What a Wonderful World arr. Craig Hella Johnson
We can be together now and forever; I love you, I love you.
And when I’m prayin’, I hear him sayin’, “I love you, I love you.”
People all over the world, they’re opening up, they’re comin’ around
And they’re sayin’ I love you.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white,
Bright, blessed day and dark, sacred night;
And I think to myself, “What a wonderful world.”
The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky,
Are also on the faces of the people going by.
I see friends shaking hands, saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying, “I love you.”
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow;
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know,
And I think to myself, “What a wonderful world.”
-Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, George David Weiss, and Bob Thiele
Carlos Lemagne, Grand Rapids
Alex Williams, Hillsdale
An Old Belief
No Longer Mortal by Conrad Winslow
Correction: Feb. 28, 2016
An article last Sunday about David Geffen correctly quoted Diane von Furstenberg as saying, “There is a maturity when you realize you are no longer mortal.” After the article was published, Ms. von Furstenberg confirmed she meant to say “no longer immortal.” Her quotation was revised to reflect her initial intention.
-The New York Times
There is an Old Belief by C. H. Parry
There is an old belief,
That on some solemn shore,
Beyond the sphere of grief
Dear friends shall meet once more.
Beyond the sphere of Time and Sin
And Fate's control,
Serene in changeless prime
Of body and of soul.
That creed I fain would keep
That hope I'll ne'er forgo,
Eternal be the sleep,
If not to waken so.
-John Gibson Lockhart
Someday I’ll Meet You Again arr. Molly Ijames
Dear one, this is our fate,
Partings and sad goodbyes.
Dear one, I’ll always wait,
Wait for that blue horizon.
Someday I'll meet you again.
Tell me where, tell me when.
Someday I'll meet you again
And I'm yours until then.
Each night I'll wish on a star
That you stay as you are.
You have my heart,
But my heart wonders when we'll meet again.
-Ned Washington
Joshua Albert
Dr. Harlori & Jaspreet Bains
Pammi & Paul Bains
Sukhvinder Bains
Mark Becker
Dennis Buteyn
James Borst
Victor Chang
Dr. Edward Chen
Marianne Ciccolella | In Memory of Gurdip Bains
Sarah Collier
Sue Cooley
Scott Davidson
Christina Dekoekkoek
Gary Eberle
De Priest Family Foundation, INC.
Jake Herrera
Debbie Gilmore | In Honor of Dr. Christopher Mason
Susan Grogan | In Memory of Don Vanderpool
Laura Kozminski
L3Harris Via Blackbaud Giving Fund
Lauri Mason | In Honor of Dr. Christopher Mason
Emily Volz Mills
Joshua Plant
Susan Pretty
Melissa Rauch
Dr. Monique Salinas
Harry Singh | In Honor of Jaspreet Bains
Christopher Start
Kathryn Stieler
Patricia Thoresen
Anita & Dr. Sarabjit Tokhie
Dr. Harnoor & Avni Tokhie
Elise Tripp | In Honor of Hannah DeBoer
Dr. Susan Sevensma
Janice Mason Vanderpool | In Honor of Dr. Christopher Mason
David Weinandy
Todd Wilkie
Lambert Zuidervaart
and other contributions we received from our past concerts.